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SPL Treatments offers Liquid Penetrant (PFD) and Magnetic Particle (MFD)

Fluorescent penetrant inspection (FPI) is a type of dye penetrant inspection in which a fluorescent dye is applied to the surface of a non-porous material in order to detect defects that may compromise the integrity or quality of the part in question.

SPL offers PFD IAW National & Global standards as well as specific customer specifications


Magnetic particle inspection is an inspection method used to identify defects on the surface of ferromagnetic materials by running a magnetic current through it. It can also be used to detect defects just beneath the surface of materials

Etch Inspection (Nital or sulphuric etch)

SPL also offers Etch Inspection – checking for machine abuse, for both corrosion resisting and non-corrosion resisting materials.


In-house masking design and manufacture capability